Moderators - You are not gods

Whenever I delete a porn post I send a PM to Webmaster stating the screen name.[/b]
We used to do that, but he' asked us to stop. So, I just delete them and move on.

Notice the current user count? Pretty astounding. The number of spammers now far exceeds legitimate users. - GA
Like Greg, I chuck probably a half dozen or so junk posts a day - after I go visit the sites and download free porn, that is.


I don't know for sure how many have moderator functions. I'd like to propose that all moderators check in here and announce themselves. I can't see any harm in this community knowing who has the power to keep them from getting all those helpful drugs without any prescription.

Kirk is a moderator but won't delete your post unless you actually threaten someone. You can even be off topic and I won't care. Unless your name rhymes with Slim Spaniels.

Moderator, I be.

Hey, it's not my site...I don't know who all the mods are. I've kept track though, so I know a bunch of them, but only the site owner knows them all...I think. And I know him too, but I'm not sure he wants to be revealed. Or not revealed. He probably doesn't really care, but I'll keep my mouth shut....for once...anyway. ;)

Interesting. Yes, the moderators are "mostly" fairly obvious. I had not thought about the origin/owner of this site....just thought of it as "being". ;) Now that you bring it up, it actually makes it an interesting mystery to solve...and my geekiness takes over.

Wasn't too hard to find, but the results are kinda surprising. He doesn't advertise here much. Guess he does get advertising fees from other people that do (PhilsTire, C2 Motorsports, ...). Seems like he has setup a good thing for the community, and doesnt screw w/ it. Keep up the good work (moderators and owner).
***Kirk is a moderator but won't delete your post unless you actually threaten someone. You can even be off topic and I won't care.

Unless your name rhymes with Slim Spaniels.***

K, you not only made my day, I'm set for the week. :023:

Seeing that about every Tom, Dick & Harry I do rule tech arguements with is a moderator maybe I'll need to watch my step. :o Does that moderator thing make you moderator guys think your points on tech arguement is always right. :unsure:
I'm a moderator but I typically only delete spam or move topics into a correct forum if mis-posted initially.

Does that moderator thing make you moderator guys think your points on tech arguement is always right. :unsure: [/b]
Naw, if being right all the time were a requirement, I surely wouldn't be a moderator. Must be something else - maybe our extraordinary sense of goodness and right and fairness and...hell, who am I kidding - I haven't a clue.
***I'm always right but I've grown weary of trying to help everyone else find the Truth.***

Greg, don't believe everything you see written ^. Some people cross the fence because it's easier than continueing to put up a good fight, er arguement while sticking with what the written word of the rules mean. I could care less about shifting paradigm.

Have Fun ;)
I'm a mod, I wasn't chosen because I can help people find the truth, I was chosen because I actually work during the day, am on the interenet late at nights, and can man the ship when real folks are sleeping, getting ready to go to work, where they surf the net..and discuss shifting paradyms and shifting knobs...which really aren''t shift knobs, even though that's what the guy who made it calls it. I love run on sentences!)

And I won't ban anyone, or even edit or delete a post, even if they call me a internet sufing attention whore! (Unless it's Tim Manuels, cuz, he didn't like it when I called a spad a spade on HIS site, and banned me for life...LOL)

OK, in all seriousness I delete the pharmacy crap, (Always let the porn go...) and I moved the mazda thread and combined it in the General section. This site needs little real moderating, thankfully.
And I won't ban anyone, or even edit or delete a post, even if they call me a internet sufing attention whore! (Unless it's Tim Manuels, cuz, he didn't like it when I called a spad a spade on HIS site, and banned me for life...LOL) [/b]

Dang, Jake - according to a post over there, he says there are only six people banned for life from the site. I can name two......

Unless it's Tim Manuels, cuz, he didn't like it when I called a spad a spade on HIS site, and banned me for life...LOL
Geez Jake, if the HANS salesman won't ban me, you must be really bad. :) I gotta find that thread...
Well boys, you won't find that thread because Mr. big gut ego man edited and sensored it. Which was precisely the subject of my posts. He's a control freak, no doubt about it.
The Mazda v SCCA thread was locked again this AM; I unlocked it. Until this moment I suspected it was an accident; after all, all you have to do to lock a thread is single-click on the envelope icon, an easy mistake to make. However, if someone is actually editing and deleting posts, then I no longer believe that...

The forum owner "should" have rights to see who's doing what. Problem is, said owner is AWOL...

Personally, I'm finding the M v S thread to be pure entertainment, and it's all I can do to keep from taunting its participants on a daily basis... ;)