Moderators - You are not gods

Not only do we have a fun/normal rule arguement :D the moderators do the same between themselves except they don't know who's playing in the game. :o
Rather simple. This is a very informal site. The unknown person who hosts it, doesn't have the time or desire to be an active moderator. A bunch of folks were given "moderator" powers mostly to be able to open small discussions groups, and to delete spam. I'm not saying we had an informal agreement not to lock threads that didn't involve purely personal attacks, but that is in essence the way it worked and I can remember only one or two times it was necessary.

None of us know who all the moderators are, and frankly I don't care to, until now I guess. Locking a legitimate thread about a legitimate issue is just wrong, and was done by one person -- that's all it is.
Actually, we did have an agreement not to mess much with threads. When the moderator idea was brought up, the web owner told us that it was primarily for deleting spam and said he trusted us not to overuse the rights. This is one of the very few forums where people don't cross the lines and we can discuss issues like adults. While we often have disagreements and may call each other on various items, it seldom is done in an offensive manner. That's one reason I like this forum so much and moderators should primarily be delegated to spam deletion duty.
The Mazda v SCCA thread was locked again this AM; I unlocked it. Until this moment I suspected it was an accident; after all, all you have to do to lock a thread is single-click on the envelope icon, an easy mistake to make.

That was me this morning. Just trying to see if I still 'had that power'. Locked it, unlocked it, locked it, all in 2 seconds - must have left it locked by accident. I don't lock threads as a rule. This ain't your mothers website. locked it and unlocked it TWICE??? man, you ARE a power hungry God! [/b]

No, no...this morning I clicked on it a couple times to see if I could even DO it...this thread had me thinking, and I had never locked one before so I wanted to see if I could.

So it was NOT me who locked it the first time, just teh second by accident - and Greg grabbed that quick!
I know, I know, I was just busting your stones.....I clicked on it too after I read how to do it, just to see if it was that easy. Weird, you wouldn't think it would be, but it is.

The mystery remains...
No, no...this morning I clicked on it a couple times to see if I could even DO it...this thread had me thinking, and I had never locked one before so I wanted to see if I could.

So it was NOT me who locked it the first time, just teh second by accident - and Greg grabbed that quick!
Hmm. Squire B doth protest too much, methinks. Drives a Mazda, after all.

