Number Requirements for 2007


New member
OK... Just got this from another thread

And, Marianne IS NOT DOING NARRC NUMBERS this year. Yes, she is still doing numbers for nationals, but not for NARRC/NERRC. So don't send us your number requests, please. And since someone else is doing it, I'll bet the rules will change, too.

Marianne was very nice to deal with in the past. :)


What will the process be for requesting numbers for next season. :unsure:

Hi Everyone,

Yes I have passed the task on to Kristin Sheppard - so be nice or Jeremy will retaliate! She should be sending out a group e-mail soon. Remember unless she hears otherwise the race groups are the same.
I have her e-mail address but would prefer not to post it. Pester Jeremy and maybe he will.
I enjoyed doing this and am already having withdrawl pains. Just think _ i won't get 50 e-mails a day asking for numbers!
:birra: Thanks Marianne for your years of doing this. If the withdrawal gets to be too bad, maybe you could apply for the job of IT Forum referee! B)
Marianne, You did a remarkable job for MANY years. You are a fixture. Hope you continue throwing those multiple flags for victory laps that I saw in the past. My thanks to you for the help way back when when I pestered you.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the club.
Best of luck doing the nationals' numbers.

Team Jagermeister
Dave Austin & Bob Smart
Congratulations for escaping, Marianne! I know the hell you (and Dave!) went through, and we all appreciate it. - Greg

The "Blethens" have always been a pain in the @$$, :birra: to hoping that jeremy doesn't kick my @$$ for giving Kristin the same trouble!!!

For real though, thanks for all the hard work;

Raymond Blethen
Ok, here ya go. Number reservations will begin on November 1st.

You can send requests to [email protected].

As stated above, there might be some time before a final confirmation will occur, as we need to verify that the race groupings have not changed. Please send along name, class and/or classes and car number requested (with 2 backup numbers in case there are duplicate requests).

Marianne, as others have said, you have been awesome and what you've done is appreciated!

For number reservations, will there still be priority given to people who are renewing their numbers within that class versus new requests? (I realize the grouping may impact that, but assuming that isn't the case.)
For number reservations, will there still be priority given to people who are renewing their numbers within that class versus new requests? (I realize the grouping may impact that, but assuming that isn't the case.)
Well, the first "rule" is that there are no rules other than what K.S. sets as those she wants to follow. There is nothing written in the GCR, or in any other guide about prefered numbers. They are totally unofficial, and the registrar for a race does not need to use them if they so choose.

With that in mind, here is what Marianne and I came up with and still use for national numbers:
  • Preference for renewing numbers from November to the first of the year, after that, any number not yet taken is open to all.
  • A competition license or even membership in SCCA is not required. (Some regions require that you be a member of their region along with charging a fee.)
  • You can ask for any amount of numbers (e.g. you can request the number 13 in all classes if you want to try.) (This is for folks like Andy or Shawn Morrison who prep/run fleets of (rental) cars.)
  • The Number Czar can tell you to get lost if your request is unreasonable or you give him/her a hard time or for any other reason they choose.
  • The list closes on the Ides of March, as the list has to go out to registrars for early races, and updates are not done because it causes too many problems and pissed off people to have multiple versions of the list being used by different registrars. If you ask for a number after March 15th, you don't get it this year, but you do get prefrence next year.
  • We don't send out post cards or other confirmations except by e-mail, but then again, we were probably the only number list in the country to not charge for numbers. :023: (I really hate the nickel and diming of drivers. If you fill up a vehicle log book, I think you should get the next one for FREE.)
In the dozen or so years we have done National or NARRC numbers, we only have ever told two or three drivers to get lost. One of them complained to the Executive Steward of the division. They were VERY nice to Marianne after that. :D

Hopefully, K.S. will publish what she wants to use at some point. The choice is all hers and you WILL like it. :o
The rules you used made sense, but it does seem odd there's nothing established for regions to abide by.

Regions charge for number reservations? Wow. Oh, and thanks for using the number 13 in your example of where someone could reserve it across multiple classes. <_< LOL
Has anyone gotten a response from Kristen or Marianne?

I'd like to confirm that they got my request w/o bugging them. If everyone else got a confirmation I'll know I'm in trouble, but if no one else did, I'll guess they're getting it sorted out & leave them alone until they do.

Hope no one found lumps of coal in the socks this morning.

I haven't received an 'answer' yet but I did get a follow up e-mail with a request for some more information (I do it for all of FOM so we have 8 reservations). She has the info and I am sure will be digging out after the Holidays.
Could you provide Kristens email. I had no idea there was even a call out for number requests. I'd like to reserve my number asap.
