Number Requirements for 2007

Hello all (this is Kristen)...... Yes, I've had some pain the the butts. But 90% of the drivers have been wonderfull. Unfortunately I don't have the time to e-mail back with all the thank you's.... I wish I had the time to just say your welcome. Jeremy has stopped me from quitting once and he has torn the keyboard from me when I've started those "Dear Asshat" e-mails.

Yes, Yahoo shut me down. I'm not happy about it. I'm still fighting with them. But it doesn't look like that will be resolved. My e-mail address has been updated on and the NARRC website (that was the first thing I did).

Unfortuantely what that 10% doesn't understand is that on top of working full time, raising a child, having a somewhat of a life, and trying to keep Jeremy is line I only have a short time each evening to send out e-mails. And some nights I just feel like laying like a lump on the couch.

I am down to two race groups and I'm half way through each of them. All e-mails will be out by the end of the weekend. I'm working as fast as I can.

Thanks for everyone's patience..... Kristen
Kristen - From where I sit you've been great - Always responsive and as fair as possible. More than that no one could ask. Like most things, most of us will never know how much work you do/did to make our racing dreams a reality. You are one of the people who make being part of this club a great privilige. Many thanks to all the volunteers in NER.

Thank you for everything Kristen! :happy204:
Hello all (this is Kristen)......
Unfortuantely what that 10% doesn't understand is that on top of working full time, raising a child, having a somewhat of a life, and trying to keep Jeremy in line I only have a short time each evening to send out e-mails. And some nights I just feel like laying like a lump on the couch.

I . Kristen [/b]

Geeez, Kristen, if we knew you were responsible for keeping HIM in line, we would never have let you take on the numbers job! Way too much for one person.. ;)

(Thanks for my #, I got it a few weeks ago!)
If I understand correctly, numbers can't be issued until run groups are approved, which is after the annual meeting.

Actually, not true. There are no written rules.

The whole idea was to be nicer to the drivers so they wouldn't have to keep changing numbers at each race because each region running at Lime Rock was using different class groups.

Three or four years ago, we started pushing for the NARRC committee to have consistent classes at Lime Rock, where it has always been a problem with drivers complaining about inconsistent class groups and having to change numbers all the time. ITA15 Dick added in his weight and it just seemed to happen. Laurie Sheppard came up with a set of classes that were really close to allowing everyone who showed up to run, but some regions said the heck with that, we are going to swap around the classes like WE want them in any case.

So, getting the NARRC committee involved was based on trying to make it better for the drivers, but being that the NARRC committee cannot seem to agree on anything or have the members following their own rules, it may not have been the best direction.

Prior to that, Marianne and I simply picked the groups. (For the math inclined, we made overlayed Venn diagrams for each NARRC race showing the groups for that race and used the groups that popped out at us as the most common groupings. We still do this for the Nationals.)

Hopefully, for the next year, the NARRC committee will get off their fat A$$es and have the classes done in November, so Kristen can have 4 months to get this done rather than just a month or so. Or, failing that, Kristen will just pick the groups she likes and use them. Three extra months to get this done really helps.

Only two drivers have ever been so obnoxious as to make it to the e-mail kill file (e.g. forget EVER having a reserved number) but just an aggressive, nasty, or stupid driver can make the day suck. (Things like providing three choices: 13, 13, and 13 may be cute to you, but it is obnoxious when it is the fourth time today.)

It is OK to like Sausage, just don't ask to watch it being made.
Is anyone else still waiting?, I don't want to send her an email , But I also don't want my number given away if my request gets lost

SM/ SSM 22
Is anyone else still waiting?, I don't want to send her an email , But I also don't want my number given away if my request gets lost
SM/ SSM 22

Don't know if you got your info or not on this, Kevin, but if you are still waiting, send Kristen an email.

As far as I know, the SM/SSM was the last group done and they were completed sometime within the last week or so.

I did send an email, No response still.

"From: Kevin
Date: Mar 12, 2007 10:09 PM
Subject: number
To: ksheppard

I am still waiting for my number confirmation

Kevin Anderson

SM 22

SSM 22"

Maybe the system time is off, but this email came in at 10:09pm (you know, after Kristen shutoff her computer for the night), and you posted at 8:14pm that you had already emailed and no response?

She did email you twice before, but the emails bounced. That was from the yahoo acct that got cancelled. But, we understand you wouldn't have known that.

No please or thankyou? :P

You should get a confirmation within a couple of days.
apperently I was sending to another email (yahoo), I had contacted Marianne Lyons and she responded, and gave me that email.

So I sent another.

and that is the email you are posting

I know her job is a thankless job but without any responses, I feel like my emails are a waste, I had to check my records as well.

I originally sent my first request on 11/26/06

I sent from what I can tell 3 other emails to K. Sheppard and 2 to M. lyons asking her.
Thats 5 emails and several post on here, and If I wasn't so persistant I may not have recieved my number, since It seems I am the last to get it.

I appreciate all who volunteer, but It is frustrating not to get a response. Please understand both sides. THat is why my last email was so short, I felt no one was reading them anyway, I didn't want to waste to much time writing it.
