And here I am coming in to give you guys the scoop on what is going on. Guess I was a day late. Sorry Anthony, I just sent you a PM on the new email.
Well, NER and NARRC sites should be updated with the new email address:
[email protected].
Thank you, Greg, for putting into words exactly what Kristen has been feeling. There are a few that are a total PITA! I've taken the keyboard from her a few times to respond to people, and after toneing down the response, it gets resolved. Overall, most people are fine, it is 20% or so that are tough. Whoever said they would gladly do this might get your wish, I already stopped her once from quitting this damn job.
And, as Marianne said, Yahoo determined that the 500-600 emails about Number Reservations must be spam. So they just shut down her account with no warning. We have been arguing with yahoo for the last several days, just to get some contacts, etc out of the email. This email was also used for her job, so now she is losing that information as well. It is just another PITA.
Anyway, the IT groups were done last week. As Dick mentioned, he got his number last week. So should have all IT drivers that requested it (not sure what happened to Anthony1K...send an email to her...we talked about this last week and as I mentioned, I don't think she received your initial request).
Anything else, or did I cover it all?