RAL Regional

PS: I also think at this point noone extra will enter. It costs $50 bucks more at this point and all that were interested probably have entered. Personally I am suprised that in this economy and current car counts we are still doing late fees, but in reality I think most people are planning ahead and would have entered so the late fee isn't actually "Hurting" entries.


That has to be a missprint in the supps. How would the "late fee" kick in the 25th of July when the race is the 30th of August? Seems rediculous to me. Someone must've missed that.

We all know the NER events at NHMS provide excellent value. If entries are down, there has to be a reason. I submit it's a combination of:

1. Non NARRC race. Most people may not be chasing NARRC points but they still may be interested in racing against guys who populate those events.
2. Enduro. Limited (but intense) market of drivers
3. Later in the season...budgets low, cars need fixin'
4. Too many events. This will be about the 10th event this year. 3 more still to go.

Send a survey to those drivers who ran Pig Roast who don't come to this. That takes the 'phantom' NARRC issue out of it. There is a reason Jerry. You just have to figure out why. LESS EVENTS! But we all know this already.
I will likely be a last minute decsion (nothing new...), but my $.02 would be to have a longer race with some consolidation of run groups.

Any open enduro seats?
I think NER should create new run groups, restructure the schedule, eliminate the late entry fee and post on every forum and e-mail every driver they have an e-mail for with the new schedule/groupings that show a TON of track time if they want it for the same entry fee! The trophies have been purchased, the track has been rented, and the majority of the entries are already registered. Now is the time for our region to pro-activly react and not wait until after to reflect on what coulda or what shoulda been.

If this was my business I was running I would be doing drastic things to try and improve / recover my losses if I could. Just waiting for the event to happen and or entries to populate will not get more people to show up. If NER can afford to only have this many entries then no big deal and forget everything I said.

My concern for NER is that they probably can't do any of this because their hands are tied by the sanction number and supps as they were written and approved.

Since I am not really involved behind the scenes and I don't know what actually happens and how the procedures work I can't really provide anything other than "what I would do in my imaginary world" :)

I will actually be going up supporting my friend Tim who is taking advantage of the short travel and reduced travel costs. He is hoping to get signed off on his novice permit this weekend :happy204: Another driver recruit for our club that NER has gained for years to come! The only reason I am not running is actually the maint. costs to run my car... tires, brakes and normal wear and tear are to much for me to absorb at this time.
It's not a late entry fee. We have a few decated registration workers who spend a ton of time preparing for each event. All early entries are pre done and ready at T&S on Friday evening. All racers who arrive at the track and then decide to enter create a lot of extra work for both registration and T&S. Everyone is encouraged to pre enter with NO penality for not running.
We NER offer the most track time for the least amount of money in the Northeast.
I'm happy with the amount of track time I get!
As far as consolidating race groups, great idea, just not mine! I have been running with the production and GTL guys this season in my SSM and it SUCKS! Not their fault or mine, it's just not fun racing! Consolidation will send entries away over time.
Jerry can you please confirm if it was a misprint for the late entry fee in the supps. It states anyone who did online registration after 7/25. That means that EVERY person that registered for this event is paying the $50 late fee and 2 people running the enduro with co drivers are paying a $100 late fee.

My friend Tim is considering running the regional and did register but didn't notice the $50 late fee when registering. He has also asked me to co-drive in the enduro and I may consider it if this was a misprint. If the $100 late fee is true we will not be.

Thanks for clarifying.

Stephen Blethen

PS the other RAL events this weekend have late fees after Aug 24th.
regular fee date will be the same for both.
If you think you may be running the enduro enter, no charge if you don't.
Personally I would not charge any additional fee for last minute entrys for the enduro.
Just to be absolutely clear. The early discount (ie, late fee) deadline is the Tuesday before the event.
Yes there is a typo in the supps.
The 3 hour enduro at $200 is a way super deal. I see a GTL car entered and my guess is it is a test session before they tow to Road America. $200 for 3 hours (plus qualifying) on a weekend. no time off from work, wow.
I remember one year Fred White entered for the track time, ran about an hour, went back to the paddock fueled the car, had a ham and cheese sandwich then buckeled in and ran another hour.
The 3 hour enduro at $200 is a way super deal. I see a GTL car entered and my guess is it is a test session before they tow to Road America. $200 for 3 hours (plus qualifying) on a weekend. no time off from work, wow.
I remember one year Fred White entered for the track time, ran about an hour, went back to the paddock fueled the car, had a ham and cheese sandwich then buckeled in and ran another hour.

Has the EVER been a better deal on track time than that? Seriously. If you want to learn run NHMS, that is a steal!
PERFECT!!! Thanks everyone for clarifying it! It was still a good deal but you all just saved me and my buddy tim $150 bucks :happy204:

I am still trying to convince the wife that we have this money just lying around... :shrug:

I hope to see you on track!
Any thoughts on combining all IT cars... Looks like this weekend is a FV and SM/SSM show... Let's see all the IT cars together and have a fun race!!!

I have been running with the production and GTL guys this season in my SSM and it SUCKS! Not their fault or mine, it's just not fun racing!
I thought it was fun racing with SSM this weekend Jerry. :)
Woulda not been fun if you backed into me during your spin on lap 1 Saturday though. :eek:
Saturday's Group 7 race, featuring the best (& worst) moments of any Miatas that were ahead of me.

Well the RAL weekend was good. I want to thank all the course workers and emergency personal for all they do for us to race. Thanks for taking care of me after my wreck I had. I would like to say to all racers if you do not have a HANS or any type of head and neck restraint get one. I always had said that I hoped it was the worst $900 that I would spend on racing. For those who saw my car IT7 81 I am fine. No neck pain nothing. Again thanks to the workers and emergecy people that do this fo us every weekend.

JB Swan
IT7 81