If you strip out SCCA history and simply look at the way races in NEDiv are presented, you see a system that is insanely complex and difficult for a newbie to learn. NERRC! NARRC! Pro-IT! NYSRRC! National! Regional! Sign up for a race here! Oops, not that race, silly - sign up over there! Go here for results! Also here! But not there! What? No payment yet? Then you're considered a late registrant! Oh, you did it that way at the last LRP event? Well that was an NNJR race, and this is an NYR race!
Memo to regions, divisions and national: Simplify, simplify.
1. We have three kinds of club racing events, not the multiplicity you suggest. We have Nationals - more track time, no IT; Regionals - IT and home-grown classes; and restricted Regionals - enduros and IT-adders for a National. If someone is unable to understand that simple delineation, I doubt their fitness to live, let alone enter a club race.
2. The alphabet soup of series you list are choices drivers make and have nothing to do with the 3 kinds of club races. They were instituted at the request of drivers who needed a season-long ego boost to accompany their race ego boost ("I'm a series champion!") and/or by regions as a means to increase entries ("Our late October race at Gildersleeve never draws cars, but if it is part of a championship, people will enter!")
3. Race entry is far easier and more simple than in the past. To enter a race, all one (typically) has to do is go to the webpage of the hosting region and find the link. If someone is unable to navigate a webpage, I doubt their fitness to race. The software might not be identical, but the annoyance factor is minimal. If someone is unable to cope - either through attitude or intelligence - with retyping some information, I doubt their fitness to race due to a lack of intelligence and temper. In the pre-computer days, you got an entry MAILED to you that you had to complete by hand and return via USPS. If you weren't on the SEDIV mailing list and wanted to go from PA to SC for the Memorial Day event, you had to call or write the hosting region.
It is also time to start dropping classes altogether, if after a few years of combined operation a class cannot make the attendence minimum, then it's done. Not too many people watch races where 4 cars are in the race and each one is in a different class so there are 4 winners. You want to have spectators to help fund the operation, and you are not going to get that with 25 races in one day with 25 winners in 9 groups.
1. Turning away entries to raise entry counts seems a foolish strategy.
2. Many/most of our tracks lack either/all of a - the PR infrastructure to promote a large spectator draw; b - the sanitation facilities to handle anything above the walk-up crowd; c - the desire to impact their communities with yet another weekend of noise and traffic jams.
3. Virtually no region has the funds/staffing to promote their races to spectators. In the NE, National racing once drew large crowds and the reason for that was the driver of a Datsun (rest his soul).
If the SCCA can put on a limited number of events, have full fields, with competitive races (perhaps 4-5 groups with 2 classes) where the winner actually is being chased to the checker, than people will start to come back to watch a few events, and vendors will sell product, and the cycle starts fresh again.
So, in otherwords, burn the village to the ground to save it? If you take an old farm house down to its stone foundations and rebuild everything above the ground with modern materials... can you honestly claim to be living in an old farm house? In addition, how do you intend to ensure that the winner will be chased to the checker?
I'm not in the northeast, but the more I read, the more I think you guys up there just need to restructure. You've got points series of regional events that covers the same area as your entire division. IMO (nothing to base this on), the idea is that regional events are supposed to be entry-level, requiring less travel, and if you want to travel and compete for bigger stakes, then you race your entire division and run national races. You guys have 5 tracks covering a huge area for your regional series.
And there's the disconnect. Regional events
are entry-events requiring less travel. Don't want to travel? Don't. Want to race in a championship? This one travels because
the drivers want it to travel. Nobody says that Speed Racer has to compete in the championship. If Speed wants to race 5 weekends each year, he usually can do so without every leaving his home track.
The championships increase entries for two simple reasons - 1.
We, the drivers, are stupid. We race for a championship position and that means competing in most/all of the events. 2. At least for MARRS, you know that when you travel to an away MARRS race, you will see many familar faces.
Too many classes, not enough drivers. Simple.
Nope - not enough drivers covers it. The additional classes ADD drivers to an otherwise low car count.
But the Club as an entity doesn't "get" this, I fear. They are still thinking in the ways of the 60s and 70s, to some degree.
Perhaps, but it for MARRS, it was the
drivers who wanted an expanded schedule for this year, including an added out-of-region event.
Why Jerry, is NER to big to omit some of its races? Many times I don't think of SCCA as a Club where regions work together for a single goal. But hey, let the franchises compete against each other right?
If NER is putting on successful races, why should it give up an event to funnel entries into a track/event that isn't successful.
Let's talk Pocono. A crappy place to race and a crappy place to volunteer. The only saving grace are the people who attend. I've
never heard a driver or a vol say they like the place. The only way the venue survives as an SCCA venue is because of the championships and the double National. So, NER should give up a weekend pulling lots of cars to pull the fat out of the fire of the regions racing at Pocono?
Personally, I think that's faulty logic.
Cancel classes prior to the event that are undersubscribed....period. Why hold a run group for 6 cars?
1. This weekend last I heard, the SMs lost "their" run group for a lack of entries.
2. Because we can't combine those cars with anyone else?
Let's cut to the chase... the thing that sucks time out of the day like Dracula at a blood bank are the open-wheel cars. Throw them to the wolves and the survivors get more track time AND get to go home earlier.
Around here, we've got 2 run groups whose combined total is less than run groups who stand alone. Try to combine them and, at least around here, the stewards wet their pants.
Want to cull the walking wounded? Easy enough to do using market forces. Charge each race group a fixed fee for the amount of track time it uses. Small groups pay more/car than big groups. Weak groups will whither.
Example: The 8 groups we have need to raise $40,000. That's $5,000 per run group. Put 50 cars on course, those guys pay $100 to enter. Put 10 cars on course, those guys pay $500 to enter.