Where to start on this....
OK, the ARRCS. Dave (Gran) I see your point, but consider this. Anthony Serra went to the ARRCs this year, never been before. Test day Thursday (sorry Anthony...) he was, shall we say, unhappy. Made a few changes, and by the end of the race, he had set the fastest race lap, nearly broken the record held by the untouchable (pro driver) Bob Stretch. Lets hope he has lerned that track, cuz if he's got more, we're all in trouble.
Also, while there are no guarantees, the impound at the ARRCs is ALOT tighter than probably anywhere else. (I'm not saying that all the cars were 100% legal, but it is MUCH more likely)
Daryls point is very well taken. I was about the same amount off the pace percentagewise at the ARRCS as I was against Anthony at LRP and NHIS. Which is, unfortunately, quite a bit.
yes, of course certain cars do better on certain tracks. I can almost keep up with underprepared cars on some tracks better than others.
Weight. I can get under weight by about 50 pounds legally. 100? well, sure, if I leave the exhaust off! Most RX-s should be able to do so as well.
Rick, I am impressed. It appears you have a better handle on the physics than most. Care to divulge your dyno numbers?
This brings up an interesting point. Physics.
Lets look at some numbers.
CRX: 2140 pounds. 125-8 plus KNOWN Hp. Drivability, semi tricky, according to worst case reports. Suspension: good. Power availability: good.
RX-7: 2380 pounds. 120-125 Hp. Suspension: Big ole live rear axle, struts. Power delivery: a wind up toy. Divability: semi tricky to tricky, again depending on whos reporting.
How can a car running on the same tires with the same wheel size possibly keep up with a car with a better suspension, that is reportedly easier to drive, and weighs 240 pounds LESS? (thats about 10%!) It shouldn't and it can't.
Results? Can't comment on the west coast anomolies as we have no idea of the prep levels and legality of some of the players. I do know this. At the ARRCs, the IT7 fast lap was set by the RX-7 guru, Jim Susko. The GM chassis and handling engineer who has nearly redesigned his cars suspension, and sells the parts though his company, G-Force Engineering. And he has done a ton of dyno work with the engine, utilizing some pretty imaginative concepts. He can drive too, obviously. Was he competitive with ITA? Um... not hardly, and he says that mirrors his normal results. In discussions with him, he has commented over and over that the car is way out of its element going against well prepped CRXs, Integra and 240sxs.
Now add the newbies from ITS and the car is, at best, the 8th ranked car in the class.
Trust me, a legal RX-7 will be hard pressed to win or even contend for a win should any well prepped and driven examples of the top 8 show.
Around here, that means that as it stands now, as soon as the new blood starts running, a top 15 will be an awesome finish.
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]