What we need is a predictable stable set of rules so that your AVERAGE budget minded racer can feel PROTECTED by the rulebook- simply that he's not throwing his money away on efforts made to date (e36 ITS BMW comes to mind), only to have them change next season.
The rules creep and lack of stability in the philosophy of the class is what drives classes away from "entry level". What would happen to f500 if they allowed some modification outside of the intent of the class like say, hypothetically a motorcycle engine alternate instead of a snowmobile engine. Ruels change, costs change. It is the variability in the ruleset that introduces the variables in the racers budget. Keep one stable and the other becomes more predictable and vice versa.
I agree with this view of it. But I like the idea of a mini van better than the Kia. You would not need to tow a trailor. You could carry avery thing in the van!IT used to be cheap because it was new, not because the rules were different.
We didn't do a lot of the things we COULD do, because we didn't NEED to. Build an actual engine rather than run the one that was in it when you drove that Rabbit to school? No way. Spend money welding in a real rollcage when you could bolt in an Autopower in one Saturday, with time for beer breaks and trips to Ernst Hardware for more 3/8" drill bits? That would be silly. The guys up front could be there because they were the early adopters.
We also didn't have the opportunity to spend dough on things, because some of them just weren't available. Choice of diffs ($500-1000) - nope. Open or welded. Bin of 2.25" springs of different rates? Uh-uh. One set, off-the-shelf "race springs" for the stock-style Koni Sports. Bushings? What are bushings, again? You can't buy what isn't available, and pretty much none of us had the wherewithal to actually MAKE stuff.
Then that changed, gradually, as competition improved the quality of the front end of the grid. Competition. On the track and in the marketplace.
We could start spec Kia, on Chinese snow tires with claimer engines. It would stay cheap until someone started to care. Until TWO DRIVERS started to care, anyway.
Only way to make this work is if you use a vehicle that no one makes any aftermarket parts for. I envision a series for mini-vans with all the glass removed. Caravan, Villager, MPV, Windstar, and for a little rear wheel drive the Astro. Allow open exhausts and strip the interior, a basic cage and that's it![]()
It'd be like tree top tall Me-otters. I already have run with a Ford Ranger in SP, sort of like a mini NASCAR craftsman truck![]()