Completely agree. But Mr. Julow writes:
"Based on some recent e-mails, it would appear that some of you may be receiving inquiries regarding SCCA's business relationship with Mazda. For some background--about two weeks ago, Mazda sent out a survey to its Mazdaspeed members. In the cover letter was a suggestion that responders may want to include the SCCA headquarters and Board of Directors as part of their feedback.
To date, we have received about 35 e-mails addressed to me or the BOD. What follows is the statement we are sending to acknowledge receipt of the e-mail."
So apparently Mr Julow isn't aware of the non-email inquiries *shrug*. I do note that he includes the BoD in his estimate, so he speaks for the Board as well when he says only 35 complaints were heard. I would think that if there were significant non-email noise he might have mentioned that as well.
Again, I am not disparaging your efforts, far from it...I didnt really mean 'Internet warriors' to be pejorative but I can see how that could happen. I only note how the flood of outrage at the grassroots level appears to have become a trickle of water at the highest levels....if that is indeed the case.
Done on this one. Merry Christmas

