April NHIS School/Regional

How do I rent a garage?

You call the main administrative office:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif](603) 783-4744

...and ask for "Wanda". Make your request with her (assuming there's any garages left). They're $175 per overhead door, which accommodates two vehicles easily (with benches and power). - GA

So, how is the snow. We lost a lot here today. dave
I'm hearing that the track still says it's "on." The only direct report I've seen came across our NER Club Racing mailing list late this afternoon:
I rolled by NHIS (I'll change it to NHMS later in the season) about 7:30 this morning to see what was left on the track. I hate to say it, but it doesn't look good. With a little over a week before the school there was still about 4 - 6" of snow covering the track and infield. If we sit and pray REALLY hard for 60+ degree weather every day, we still have a shot of having a clean track.
Sooo..... :shrug:
lets say the track is snow free....due to plowing, melt off or dryers, or a combination of all three.
Will the event run if there is melt runoff crossing the track in certain places?
Will the event run if the areas surrounding (runoff, etc.) the track are snow covered?
will the event run if the entire grass paddock is snowbound?

Are there provisions to paddock those who normally utilize the grass elsewhere?

Just curious.
Someone told me they rented a bobcat with a snow blower attachment and were trying to clear the track.... The only question I would have would be will we run with snowbanks? Personally I think the track would be safer :)

Jake... melt runoff is no different than the downpour runoffs we get in turn 10 is it? We fit how many cars in the ARRC paddock... I don't see the padock as a problem, or it shouldn't be IMO.

Raymond "My driveway is almoast all melted off!!!" Blethen
NER has run the April event with snow bank still around the track after plowing it the week before. I don't know if it is safer but any off track excursion will lead to significant damage. Ask me how I know.
I remember some years ago we ran with snow banks on driver's left entering turn three. Not sure I'd want to go sideways into that block of ice, but it was there, nonetheless.

Same with the infield....well, maybe it was just mud from all the snow melt. We could paddock anywhere that wasn't suppose to have grass on it. I think it will be crampted, but OK anyway.

4"-6" on the track? That's not so bad. It is less than I expected at this point. Snow/rain is in the forecast for this weekend (Friday, April 4, I think). It should be mostly rain, so that will help some. Not sure what the long range temperature forecast is for the week.

I think it will be OK, though (I've said that since February).

That was probably the same weekend I referred to. During the Thursday test day I was forced drivers left at the entry to turn 3 and put two wheels off. The ice encrusted snowbank grabbed the left front wheel and bent the lower control arm. The wheel was 30 degrees tow out.

First day of the new season and I was already making repairs.
A co-student and I will be sharing a garage. I think he said he reserved the last one (12A). Is there a place I can leave the trailer at the track or will I be shuffling it back and forth from the hotel. I assume I can leave the car in the garage?

Weather looks good for Friday and Saturday!:happy204:
With a garage you have truck/trailer parking just outside your garage door. You'll understand once you get there and see it.

For everyone else, I suggest we'll need to be cooperative, and likely park open trailer someplace outside the oval. - GA
Yea I just called for a garage and I am next on the waiting list.
With the parking the way it will be with no grass I would suggest even those with garages and open trailers put the trailers outside the oval for Sunday.