Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 16 2006, 09:29 AM
Alabama's RE and his friends have been doing exactly that to us for a couple of months now. He says there was no discussion of this plan and when we prove there was he says it was only a discussion of an "idea". He says there was no plan written and when we prove there was a written plan he says it was nothing. When we prove it was selectively distributed he redistributes it seven months after the fact and claims it was distributed. When we prove there is a secret meeting planned they get someone else to come here and call it a private "cocktail party". Then we find out yesterday afternoon that they have a SEDIV agenda in which this plan is included? In addition I find out that Barry is out lobbying the non-racing regions to back it? What am I supposed to think? He's assembling votes of these little non-racing regions because they have as much power in their single vote as any racing region. One region has two people!!!! This is a total manipulation of a broken system. It's not about Florida being greedy it's about Alabama being greedy. We just want to race and Barry doesn't want us to so he can make money and be a big man.
I have not lied or misrepresented anything for personal gain like those I've exposed here.
Matt, the reason no officials have responded here is because you choose not to believe anything that differs from your particular point of view. There are a NUMBER of inaccuracies in your post:
Barry Hair did NOT present the original proposal. It was verbally presented at the mid-year meeting by Fred Clark, a member of the Bucanneer Region. The "delayed" e-mail was sent out by Ted Michelbrink, not Barry. Ted thought he had sent it out just after the mid-year but found that it was never sent. Barry happened to be the first name on the list because he's the (duly elected) RE of the Alabama Region and the addresses appear alphabetically by region name.
Martin Bartlett finds out about the thread, explains the Friday night party and declares that should any action come from discussions at said social, they will be presented at the SEDIV meeting and no vote would be taken until the 2006 mid-year meeting. So you decide he's lying and/or Barry's pawn.
And have you (or anyone else) actually READ Fred's proposal? The key phrase is that the eight current racing regions START with one National, one Regional, one school and one "special event", then the remaining weekends are distributed via a lottery-type system. The current mileage and consecutive weekend restrictions would remain. This is one PROPOSAL for a way to open up weekends for regions that want to get on the calendar, but it does NOT set a maximum number of races per region or track, just how they'd get applied for. Because they're on the edges of the Division, Florida and North Carolina would get to keep all/most of their current weekends - the central regions (yes, Atlanta Region) would be hurt most by this. But then regardless of what you THINK is being discussed covertly, this proposal (should it ever reach the status of a motion) would be defeated.
What else have you misrepresented?
There NEVER was a proposal to limit racing in SEDIV to the eight regions that currently hold races, but then you've backed off from that particular windmill, haven't you?
Catch-22's name is not Chris, it's Scott.
I don't know if Barry (or anyone else) is out lobbying with the smaller regions or not. I also don't know if Jeff Gordon is gay or not, I only know that he's never hit on me.
I am certainly a racer, I will be attending the Friday night party and I will represent the views of racers throughout the division. I will also be representing workers and officials throughout the division as well, because I count myself among them as well.
And yes, I WOULD like you to physically threaten me...
Butch Kummer