New member
Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 18 2006, 08:37 PM
But Barry is watering that acorn like a madman. The good news is people are starting to see how much of a lunatic he is. I've heard some of the REs are turning around on the issue. I hope this trend continues. Even his own region's drivers are starting to see him as an obstacle. I've heard that we'd be back at Barber if it weren't for Barry. He screwed it up and as a matter of pride he won't go back.
OK Matt,
Just shut the hell up. Thats enough.
This post PROVES (as if we didn't already know) that you are completely dilusional and have no idea what you are talking about.
Your own RE has basically just published that you are making a huge deal out of nothing. Not only are you making a huge deal out of it, but you are publicly defaming people in the process.
Its unwarranted and you just need to shut your damned mouth. Now.
I know what happened at Barber. Barry wasn't the problem. The problem was with track management and it was an issue that had to be solved from Topeka.
And the problem with Barber isn't just an SCCA issue. Barber management has done the exact same thing to PCA and Grand Am. Last I checked Barry wasn't running either of those groups.
Again, you are spouting off at your keyboard, not at all letting the fact that you have NO CLUE slow you down.
Yes, SCCA is back on speaking terms with Barber, and that unbearable asshole Barry is up front in that effort. What a dick. How DARE he try to repair a relationship with a track that tried to screw our club for $17000 just because the racers really like that track?
What a total dick.
And I'm sure your dilusional ass thinks that I'm only typing this because I'm Barry's buddy. Yeah, I'm his best friend. We've met once when he was handing me a trophy. But since he is such a total dick, maybe that does make me his best friend. After all, I did shake his hand.
I'll close with this...
Barry often works corners at Road Atlanta and I think he even treks down to Roebling to stand out there and protect our asses (again, what a DICK!). I HOPE, I pray, I BEG, that the next time you actually trek out of Florida for a race you come to Road Atlanta and crash your stupid ass into a wall.
And I hope that the corner worker that pulls your unconscious ass out of that car is Mr. Barry Hair.
And I hope that when you wake up he punches you right in the mouth.
I'm done. Youre a moron.