NASCAR Bans Hutchens Device

The manufatcurer of the R3 is offering $100 off with a trade in of your Hutchens Device. Here's the link.

FYI- After a phone call to LFT they stated the Hutchens barely failed the test for NASCAR (a frontal impact) and the Hutchens is superior to the Hans in a side impact situation.


[This message has been edited by wlfpkrcn (edited January 11, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by wlfpkrcn (edited January 11, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by wlfpkrcn (edited January 11, 2005).]
Originally posted by wlfpkrcn:
...FYI- After a phone call to LFT they stated the Hutchens barely failed the test for NASCAR (a frontal impact) and the Hutchens is superior to the Hans in a side impact situation.

The Spec was written after most devices were tested.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by gsbaker:
Aw c'mon, Bill. Few things in life are more fun that throwing at a lawyer, while on the witness stand, a highly technical concept that his expert forgot to bring up in pre-trial depos. He looks like a deer in the headlights.

The last time the Feds called me in for a deposition, they dropped the case after they deposed me.
Originally posted by wlfpkrcn:
The manufatcurer of the R3 is offering $100 off with a trade in of your Hutchens Device.

Do you get $200 off if you trade in your left nut as well that you lost using your Hutchens device?

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed
I still haven't come across the specs for 38.1.

Does the fact that HANS w/quick release tethers now has 2 points of release void the SFI spec the way it is written? Or is still valid because 1pt of release (harness) will still free you from the seat
? You just now have an additional point of release that can release you from the HANS so that you don't turn to a crispy critter.

Sidenote: Did Paul Newman have a difficult time exiting the car during his recent fire?
This kind of stuff pisses me off to no end. Running around trying to get the car ready for 05 and have to putz around with throwing away perfectly good harnesses, and potentially outlawed head restraints...

I'm so confused after reading all this I need some guidance...

I use an Issac system. Don't remember the specific model but it was one of the first production run ones I think. I got a new helmet and was just about ready to try and rip the old issac brackets off the old helmet (glued on) so I can glue them onto the new helmet.

Are you guys saying my issac system is no longer legal for scca competition? Should I even bother with mucking up the new helmet with brackets if I may not be able to use the system this year????

Is the issac system legal for use in scca competition in 2005, yes or no???



Originally posted by gsbaker:
In summary, all Isaac products are accepted (if not encouraged) for use in the SCCA, and we expect all Isaac products to be viewed favorably by Club Racing in the future, it's just a question of how the wording is handled. Section 20.4 may be rewritten, a section for H&N restraints may be added, or a "Bail" requirement may be added.

If you have strong feelings on this subject, now would be a good time to let them be known.

Happy Holidays.

This is from another thread on this site. Titled "August Fastrack is out" bottom of page 2.

Get that letter written...they got one from me. It is your neck, you bought the ISAAC instead of something else for a reason(s).

GREGG BAKER--please see what you can do about getting that device SFI 38.1 certified.
Originally posted by Quickshoe:
I still haven't come across the specs for 38.1.

Does the fact that HANS w/quick release tethers now has 2 points of release void the SFI spec the way it is written? Or is still valid because 1pt of release (harness) will still free you from the seat
? You just now have an additional point of release that can release you from the HANS so that you don't turn to a crispy critter.

That's how we interpret it, yes. Technically, the HANS device is 38.1 compliant because you can get out of the seat with a single release. I guess the teather QRs are there for drivers who want to make sure they can get out of the car.

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Sidenote: Did Paul Newman have a difficult time exiting the car during his recent fire?</font>

Not to our knowledge. He is 79, but pretty spry. I saw him in the pits of a CART race last year, where he was buzzing around on a scooter. Still, the window opening on a Daytona Prototype is pretty small, so it could have been exciting.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by Wayne:
...Is the issac system legal for use in scca competition in 2005, yes or no???



Yes. You are good to go. The worst-case scenario is that SCCA goes with SFI 38.1 for club racing in 2006. We have already designed a retrofit for all Isaac models, so you can swap out a couple of parts and be all set.

I understand your frustration. It just a lot of time, effort and expense to to fix a "problem" that does not exist. You can imagine how happy we are.

Thanks for being an Isaac user!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
If you are in a big crash, the theory is your belts stretch and are supposed to be replaced. Is the same true for the tethers/straps that attach the restraint system to your helmet ie. Hans, Hutchens, R3 etc... Gregg do you happen to know?


To the best of our knowldege they are supposed to be replaced, yes. You will typically see wording like, "Replace every 2 [or 3] years or after severe use."

Same with the HANS device. The straps must be replaced periodically and the whole thing should be replaced if the impact exceeds 100Gs.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by gsbaker:

Yes. You are good to go. The worst-case scenario is that SCCA goes with SFI 38.1 for club racing in 2006. We have already designed a retrofit for all Isaac models, so you can swap out a couple of parts and be all set.

I understand your frustration. It just a lot of time, effort and expense to to fix a "problem" that does not exist. You can imagine how happy we are.

Thanks for being an Isaac user!

I am the happy new owner of an ISAAC system - despite FedExs best efforts (they delivered an empty case - well it did have the hardware baggie - covered in FedEx tape the first time). A huge thanks to Gregg and company for the responsive service.

If the SCCA does go down a road to require that I retrofit the kit to a lower performing specification to meet questionable 'certification', I will be quite happy to exit stage right and spend my weekends with the Midwest Council of Sports Car Clubs here in the Midwest.

I guess I need to get that in a letter off to Topeka...

I hate to say this, but...

I would expect that if the SCCA adopts 38.1, MCSCC and NASA will as well. I actually expect them to do it first, just due to the liability issues...

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
I'm not so sure, Bill. Two weeks ago I would have agreed with you 100%, but we've had some interesting correspondence lately from a variety of acronyms.

I'm not sure everyone is drinking the SFI Kool Aid, though they may ultimately choke it down.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by gsbaker:

Yes. You are good to go. The worst-case scenario is that SCCA goes with SFI 38.1 for club racing in 2006. We have already designed a retrofit for all Isaac models, so you can swap out a couple of parts and be all set.
Retrofit? You have a design that makes a single release point?? Both pins are pulled at the same time??
