Andy Bettencourt
Super Moderator
don't forget Runoffs/Rewards Weight for who ever wins.
Not in IT. The rules don't allow for it...thank god.
don't forget Runoffs/Rewards Weight for who ever wins.
Andy as someone who was involved with the add'l weight on the 1.6 after the runoffs, what in SM allows this to happen but prevents it in IT? [/b]
how are the weights any less established in SM? [/b]
It's not just IT guys, Jake. The overwhelming input I see from National racers is that they'd like to see the Runoffs move to someplace further east towards the center of gravity of the membership. I like to use this graphic to illustrate the point. This map shows population density by county. The darker the color the denser the population. Topeka may be near the geographic center, but clearly just lengthens nearly everyone's tow.
And yes, there are larger issues at play than just some rule sets, but that's a good place to start. To me it is axiomatic that a healthy Runoffs emerges from a robust National racing program. In turn a healthy National program has to have a healthy Regional program or it cannot last. And finally, adding in the currently Regional-only classes is the long term fix that I believe the Club needs to assure a healthy Regional to National to Runoffs paradigm.
I think you're dealing with a chicken-egg situation concerning national class racing and moving the run-off East. Do more national class racers live East of the Mississippi because the run-off's, with the exception of the last few years, have always been there? Or would moving the run-offs further West encourage even more participation from West-coast members? What I do know is that there's more Cal-club members going to Toepeka this year than last; probably more then ever attended than when it was at Road Atlanta. I like the split traveling run-off idea. Imagine the a run-off at Laguna-Seca, Infineon, or Miller. Miller's full course would make an awesome run-off track, too bad it's not East of the Mississippi though. [/b]
Even me, an SCCA guy, if faced with the prospect of setting my TIVO for a British Touring Car race or an SCCA Runoffs race, would probably choose the BTCC on the odds that the racing would be better.[/b]
I think you're dealing with a chicken-egg situation concerning national class racing and moving the run-off East. Do more national class racers live East of the Mississippi because the run-off's, ...........[/b]
Or would moving the run-offs further West encourage even more participation from West-coast members? What I do know is that there's more Cal-club members going to Toepeka this year than last; probably more then ever attended than when it was at Road Atlanta
I like the split traveling run-off idea. Imagine the a run-off at Laguna-Seca, Infineon, or Miller. Miller's full course would make an awesome run-off track, too bad it's not East of the Mississippi though. [/b]
Yes, SM National entries are off 30% in MWDiv this year, down from 250 in '06 to 174, but your experience is not typical. Overall National SM entries are down less than 15%. As Andy notes, there has been some churning in the National SM ranks as guys figure out where their racing program really belongs. That's perfectly normal IMO, and I expect it to take another year or two to settle down. OTOH, Runoffs entries are down 8.6% from last year, not 30% (713 in '06 vs. 652 this year). Even with the expected drop-outs we won't come anywhere close to a 30% someone who has very closely watched SM for the last 4-5yrs, i think you're way off. ever since SM went national, we've seen participation fall off by about 30% in this division. overall participation numbers may be steady or slightly falling, but look at the #'s for the first to the second year of nationals, i don't think it's good. i tried to find it on, but it appears the link has been taken down. i do know the runoffs entries are about 30% lower this year. [/b]
How does tightening up the damper, cam and clutch rules put the 1.6 cars at a disadvantage? We didn't apply them to just those cars. Are you saying that we should give a nudge-nudge, wink-wink to those cars?even the rules adjustments that in and of themselves were positive moves (cam clarification, clutch rule) have ended up hurting the class because they've all been against the bread and butter 1.6 car and put it at an overall disadvantage. the cost to be competitive has tripled for the car itself, and around 7x for consumables like tires. [/b]
There are very large differences of opinion about SSM vs SM, Travis, and I'll take you statement of your opinion as just that. I do agree that competitive National racing is more expensive than hanging mid-pack in one's local Regionals, and that's part of the reason we're seeing some churning of the National SM ranks. It will play out as everyone figures out where they belong.the regional classes like SSM have maintained the 'spirit' of the initial SM class better than the national ruleset, and i think is very much like the current IT crowd, thus their strong numbers. still very competitive, but national SM is whole nother prep level above, which i don't think even most of the big names on the national IT scene quite understand. [/b]
I see a dichotomy here, Travis. How do we let all classes compete for a spot at the Runoffs without letting them all run Nationals?just like going national i don't think was healthy for SM, i don't think it would be for IT either. but, taking every class in the GCR and taking the top 25 to the big show would be healthy for the club overall, and that i would support. [/b]
I can't help you there, except to cheer you up the news that Colorado Region would love to average 75 entrants at a race...ANY race!we would LOVE it if we could get 150 entrants for every national event, and even 100 for every regional. as it is now, we probably stand at an average of 130 per national, and 75 per regional event (which lose lots of money, subsidized by the nationals).[/b]
How does tightening up the damper, cam and clutch rules put the 1.6 cars at a disadvantage? We didn't apply them to just those cars. Are you saying that we should give a nudge-nudge, wink-wink to those cars?
Yes, SM National entries are off 30% in MWDiv this year, down from 250 in '06 to 174, but your experience is not typical. Overall National SM entries are down less than 15%. As Andy notes, there has been some churning in the National SM ranks as guys figure out where their racing program really belongs. That's perfectly normal IMO, and I expect it to take another year or two to settle down. OTOH, Runoffs entries are down 8.6% from last year, not 30% (713 in '06 vs. 652 this year). Even with the expected drop-outs we won't come anywhere close to a 30% decline.
How does tightening up the damper, cam and clutch rules put the 1.6 cars at a disadvantage? We didn't apply them to just those cars. Are you saying that we should give a nudge-nudge, wink-wink to those cars?
Yes, it costs more to compete for a Runoffs win than it does to be a purely local Regional guy. No surprise there.
i believe the 1.8 had 25lbs taken off, and the 99 had 50lbs removed. guess what happened? SURPRISE! everyone built 1.8s and 99s. just take a look over at classifieds and look at how many 1.6s are for sale.