Joe, on this monday 2/7 I'll be 17 via my method of counting. My counting method is similar to the "common sence" methods used by some to attempt to change the IT rules. IMHJ if some of these folks who have a desire to change the IT rules would understand that changes within IT are not a ready given thing they would quit posting & start writting letters to the CRB/ITAC. After a few undefined rejections in Fastrack of their rules thoughts/letters they would realy have something to bitch about. Then we will hear. They (CR
can't respond with a undefined NO to ME I am a MEMBER of the SCCA & they are there to SERVE ME. Joe, IIRC you are just just over my age line.
Scott, your age puts you under my defined age line. & why don't you provide a last name so that when you start writting letters we all can see the varity of reasons the CRB uses for rejecting your rule change requests... Within a few request letters to the CRB using your "common sence" thoughts the CRB will have dulled your brass aggressiveness.
***"Common Sense."*** by Scott
I'll be 37 in a couple of months.
Now that you know this, tell me what the hell it has to do with anything?
Now tell me what age has to do with ANY sort of knowledge about the sport.
I'm dying to hear your thoughts?
If you tell me that you have more experience, I'll counter it with my opinion that many of your experiences have made you stale and inflexible... So lets go.
Its an argument neither of us could win, but whatever, I'm up for it.
And I'll only say this one more time.
Very few people here have argued to "open up" the rules in IT. We just want them cleaned up to get rid of the silly things that serve no purpose.
But I for one don't want to be hunting around the junkyard looking for a friggin' washer bottle or a piece of unbroken door glass after an incident on the track. These are things that will cost me time and money to repair and they SERVE NO PURPOSE on my car.
The freakin' rules even state that I MUST run with my windows DOWN!!!
Its just stupid. STOOPID!
And don't tell me that you've seen similar stuff happen that lead to the Great Production Disaster of 1978.
If you honestly think that removing washer bottles and door glass will lead to rampant and mindless spending in IT, you need to get your prescription refilled.
Scott, please let me know when YOU write your FIRST sucessful letter to the CRB & a rule change is accecpted.
An ol man on new prescription drugs.........
David Dewhurst